why was George Washington chosen to lead the continental army?


George Washington was chosen to lead the Continental Army for several reasons. Here is how you can find the answer:

1. Gather historical information: Start by learning about the early stages of the American Revolution and the formation of the Continental Army. Look for primary and secondary sources like books, articles, or reputable websites that provide an overview of this period.

2. Examine the context: Understand the circumstances leading up to the appointment of George Washington as the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. Consider factors such as the need for a unifying leader, Washington's reputation, his military experience, and his character.

3. Evaluating leadership qualities: Learn about the qualities and skills that made George Washington a suitable choice for this position. Look for examples of his leadership abilities, strategic thinking, integrity, and commitment to the cause of American independence.

4. Consider the influence of others: Explore the role of key figures like John Adams and John Hancock, who were influential in the decision to appoint Washington. Investigate any political or social dynamics that may have played a part in his selection.

By following these steps, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of why George Washington was chosen to lead the Continental Army during the American Revolution.