Write an expression to describe a rule for the sequence. Then find the 100th term in the sequence : 5,13,21,29,37,45,...

A) 8n;800
B) 8n-3;797
C) 3n-8;292
D) 5+8n;805***

please correct me and thanks

you are correct if you start your sequence with n=0

Usually, though, sequences start with n=1 unless otherwise stated. The terms are
a_1, a_2, ...

Your choice was D

When n = 1, your first term would be 5 + 8(1) = 13
so it can't be D

Which of the given expressions will yield 5 when n = 1 ?
and 797 when n = 100 ?

You are correct! The expression that describes the rule for this sequence is D) 5 + 8n.

To find the 100th term in the sequence using this rule, we substitute n = 100 into the expression:

nth term = 5 + 8(100) = 5 + 800 = 805.

So, the 100th term in the sequence is 805.

In march 29 2019 i was eating cake from my sisters bday- LMAO