You go shopping for shoes.

The store carries 4 colors: green, blue, indigo, violet.
and 3 brands:
Brian Atwood
Christian Louboutin

You desire two different colors, but have no restrictions as to brand.
1)How many ways can you pick the two colors?

2)How many possible shopping decisions do you have?

There are 4 colors possible and 3 brands of shoes

It says you want 2 different colours, so are you picking 2 pairs of shoes?

- more than 2 pairs ?

it doesnt specify but since it says it wants 2 different colors i would assume i am looking for 2 pairs

To answer the first question, "How many ways can you pick the two colors?", we can use the concept of combinations.

Since there are 4 colors available and you want to pick two different colors, we need to calculate the number of combinations of selecting 2 colors out of a total of 4 colors.

The formula to calculate the number of combinations is given by:

nCr = n! / (r!(n-r)!)

where n is the total number of items and r is the number of items to be chosen.

In this case, n = 4 (colors) and r = 2 (number of colors to be chosen).

So, applying the formula:

4C2 = 4! / (2!(4-2)!)
= 4! / (2! * 2!)
= (4 * 3 * 2 * 1) / (2 * 1 * 2 * 1)
= (24) / (4)
= 6

Therefore, there are 6 ways to pick two different colors out of the available options.

Now, to answer the second question, "How many possible shopping decisions do you have?", we need to consider the number of color combinations and the number of brand choices.

Since you have 6 ways to pick two different colors and there are 3 brands available, you can multiply these two numbers together to get the total number of possible shopping decisions:

Total shopping decisions = Number of color combinations * Number of brands
= 6 * 3
= 18

Therefore, you have a total of 18 possible shopping decisions.

a. What is 4*3 ?

b. What is above times 3^2?