these are all short answers.

1: How was the Northern Renaissance and the Italian Renaissance similar and different?

2: How did the Columbian Exchange encourage the growth of European Colonies?

3: Explain two types of divisions that existed in Europe during the Cold War.

4: In what ways can it be argued that the formation of the European Union resulted in World Wars I and II ?
please answer soon, need to bring up my grades QUICK lmao.

That's the key! YOU need to bring YOUR grades up. To do that YOU need to know the answers.

No. I've been a tutor here for many years. Most people do NOT use this site to cheat. If they do, they are often deleted and sometimes banned.

lol i literally don’t care

Bro i know all of these, but if you need to pull ur grades up, how bout learn it

dude im just tryna get answers, wyd on this website anyways? like this is pretty much what everyone uses it for lol

1. The Northern Renaissance and the Italian Renaissance were similar in that they both marked a time of cultural, artistic, and intellectual flourishing. However, they differed in terms of geographic location, focus, and influential figures. To understand how they were similar and different, you can start by researching key artists, writers, and thinkers from each period. Look into the major themes and ideas they explored, as well as the societal and historical contexts in which they emerged.

2. The Columbian Exchange, which refers to the widespread exchange of plants, animals, ideas, and diseases between the Old World (Europe, Africa, and Asia) and the New World (the Americas), played a significant role in the growth of European colonies. To explain this, you can research the impact of new crops, such as potatoes and maize, on European agriculture and diets. Additionally, exploring the introduction of new resources and wealth from the colonies, such as gold and silver, can shed light on the economic growth and expansion of European colonies.

3. During the Cold War, two major divisions existed in Europe: the ideological division between the Western and Eastern Blocs, and the physical division between the Iron Curtain. You can delve into the ideological division by researching the contrasting political and economic systems of Western capitalist countries and Eastern communist countries. Additionally, understanding the Iron Curtain, which represented the physical boundary separating Eastern and Western Europe, can provide insight into the spatial division created during this period.

4. The formation of the European Union did not directly result in World Wars I and II. However, arguments can be made about how the European Union's predecessor, the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), and subsequent integration efforts have contributed to peace and stability in Europe. To explain this argument, you can explore the underlying motivations for the formation of the ECSC, such as promoting economic cooperation and preventing future conflicts. You can then examine how the European Union's expansion and deepening of integration have fostered economic interdependence and diplomatic collaboration, reducing the likelihood of large-scale conflicts in Europe.