A 65kg gymnast jumps on the trampoline. At the lowest point of her motion, the trampoline is depressed .50m below equilibrium. What is her approximate upward acceleration at this instant?


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To find the approximate upward acceleration of the gymnast at the lowest point of her motion on the trampoline, we can use the concept of gravitational potential energy and Hooke's Law.

1. Determine the gravitational potential energy (GPE) of the gymnast at the lowest point of her motion using the formula:
GPE = m * g * h
where m is the mass of the gymnast (65 kg), g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2), and h is the height below equilibrium (0.50 m).

GPE = 65 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * 0.50 m
GPE = 318.5 J (Joules)

2. Gravitational potential energy is converted into elastic potential energy when the trampoline is compressed. The elastic potential energy (EPE) can be calculated using Hooke's Law:
EPE = 0.5 * k * x^2
where k is the spring constant of the trampoline and x is the displacement from equilibrium (0.50 m).

We don't have the value of the spring constant (k), so we need to make an approximation. Let's assume that the spring constant of the trampoline is 2000 N/m (this can vary depending on the trampoline).

EPE = 0.5 * 2000 N/m * (0.50 m)^2
EPE = 250 J (Joules)

3. The approximate upward acceleration (a) can be determined by equating the change in potential energy to the work done by the force (W) acting on the gymnast:
W = 318.5 J - 250 J
W = 68.5 J (Joules)

Since work done (W) is given by the formula:
W = F * d
where F is the force and d is the distance traveled, and we know that the distance traveled is the displacement from equilibrium (0.50 m) and the force is the product of the mass and acceleration (F = m * a), we can rewrite the equation as:
m * a * d = 68.5 J
a * 0.50 m = 68.5 J / 65 kg
a = (68.5 J / 65 kg) / 0.50 m

4. Calculate the value of approximate upward acceleration:
a ≈ 2.1 m/s^2

Therefore, the approximate upward acceleration of the gymnast at the lowest point of her motion is approximately 2.1 m/s^2.

To find the upward acceleration of the gymnast at the lowest point of her motion, we need to use the principles of Simple Harmonic Motion.

The force exerted on the gymnast can be determined using Hooke's Law, which states that the force exerted by a spring is proportional to the displacement from its equilibrium position. In this case, the trampoline acts like a spring.

The formula used to calculate the force exerted by a spring is given by:
F = -kx

F is the force exerted by the spring (in this case, by the trampoline),
k is the spring constant, and
x is the displacement from the equilibrium position.

In this case, the equilibrium position is the position where the trampoline is not depressed or extended. Since the trampoline is depressed 0.50m below equilibrium, x = -0.50m.

The force exerted by the trampoline is acting in the opposite direction to the displacement (upward), so we use the negative sign in the formula.

To find the spring constant, we need to consider the weight of the gymnast. The weight of an object can be calculated using the formula:
F = mg

F is the force of gravity (weight),
m is the mass of the object, and
g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s²).

In this case, the mass of the gymnast is 65kg.

Now, we can calculate the spring constant using the weight of the gymnast:
F = mg
F = 65kg * 9.8m/s²
F ≈ 637N

Now, we can substitute the values into the Hooke's Law formula:
F = -kx
637N = -k * (-0.50m)

By rearranging the equation, we can solve for k:
k = 637N / (-0.50m)
k ≈ -1274 N/m

Next, we can use the formula for acceleration in Simple Harmonic Motion:
a = (-k / m) * x

Substituting the values:
a = (-(-1274 N/m) / 65 kg) * (-0.50m)
a = 19.6 m/s²

Therefore, the approximate upward acceleration of the gymnast at the lowest point of her motion is approximately 19.6 m/s².