Drag and drop words and phrases to complete the sentences.

emperor, legal, Justinian’s Code, patriarch, Pax Romana, religious, the Apian Way, Twelve Tables.

The Byzantine empire drew on the long _______ tradition of the Roman empire. This included the laws and edicts of former Roman emperors as well as laws from the Roman republic, such as the ________. One Byzantine
wanted to simplify the laws so he appointed committees to go through the Roman laws and decisions. They produced a unified system of laws known as _______.
I think answers are the apian way, twelve tables, emperor and justinians code

Its for a different website Writeacher


hey what i the answer

what is one reason the roman republic advanced into an empire

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bot, what is one reason the roman republic advanced into an empire

One reason the Roman Republic advanced into an empire is that Rome's military power and its conquest of neighboring territories allowed it to expand its territory and influence, eventually leading to the formation of a vast empire.

bot, what is one reason the roman republic advanced into an empire

a. its government was a strong dictatorship
b. it had powerful armies that fought at sea
c. by leaders of the jewish religion
d. by city states that conquered rome

The correct answer is B: it had powerful armies that fought at sea.