what were the gladiator games?

It was held in Rome at the Colosseum.

Answers please!!!!! :9 :((((

u need to give out ur own answer first then we will help u

But anyways the answer: Trained slaves and criminals fought in mock battles against one another or animals.

The gladiator games were a form of entertainment in ancient Rome, where gladiators - typically slaves, prisoners, or criminals - fought against each other or against wild animals in arenas called amphitheaters. These games were held for various purposes, including honoring deceased individuals, showcasing military power, or appeasing the citizens.

To find information about the gladiator games, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a general search using reputable search engines such as Google.
2. Enter the keywords "gladiator games" or "ancient Roman gladiators."
3. Look for reliable sources such as academic articles, historical books, or reputable websites like museums or educational institutions.
4. Once you find a suitable source, browse through the information provided to gain a comprehensive understanding of the gladiator games.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you find to ensure their reliability and accuracy.