esson 6: Mis vacaciones Unit Test

1. Ellos _______ al teatro en la ciudad.

2. Visité ______

3.Yo _______ a montar a caballo durante las vacaciones.

4.Ustedes______ temprano

5.Ustedes______ temprano

6.How would you say "I visited Carlos" in Spanish?

7.If you want to see an obra de teatro , where would you go?

8.Which indigenous group is believed to have inhabited la República Dominicana before the arrival of the Spanish to the New world?

9.How would you say "They went to the museum" in Spanish?

10.Which is the word for "to rest" in Spanish?

11.Which is the word for "to rest" in Spanish?

12.Las niñas _______ a montar a caballo.

13.In which place can you see un oso?

14.Which of the following was named after Eugenio de Jesús Marcano Fondeur?

15.In which place can one see professional sports being played?

16.What was Salomé Ureña de Henríquez' main cause in her life?

17.Which of the following is not an animal?

18.Where do many of ZOODOM's animals come from?

19.Which of the following is a likely question that could be answered by saying "

20.Which of the following cultures did not influence Dominican cuisine?

21.What can visitors see and do at la Caleta National Marine Park? Write your answer in English.

22.Explain what common forms of transportation can be used in la República Dominicana, and how do such forms compare to those of the U.S.? Write your answer in English.

23.How does ZOODOM help foster education and research? Write your answer in English.

24.When should the personal es be used in a sentence, and why? Write your answer in English. Next, write a complete sentence in Spanish that uses the personal

25.What is the importance of coconuts in la República Dominicana? Write your answer in English.
Answers Please!!!!

I just took it.

(not to worry teachers, it’s uh... definitely not a test..)

Multiple choice:
1) audio C: fueron
2) A: el museo
3) D: Aprendí
4) audio C: ir de vacaciones
5) D: salieron
6) A: Visité a Carlos
7) B: el teatro
8) A: Taínos
9) B: Fueron al teatro
10) A: Aprendimos a bucear
11) C: descansar
12) C: aprendieron
13) B: en el zoológico
14) B: a fossil
15) A: el estadio
16) D: education for women
17) audio C: el barco
18) A: the United States and Africa
19) C: ¿Te gustó?
20) A: Chinese

Long answers: open a new tab and go to the following lessons for the answers to each of the long-answer questions.

21) 7.3 (¿qué viste?)
Page 3: Las playas de la República Dominicana

22) 7.1 (¿en autobús o en tren?)
Page 5: El transporte en la República Dominicana

23) 7.2 (me gustó el zoológico)
Page 3: ZOODOM

24) 7.4 (¿Visitaste a la amiga de tu mamá?)
Page 2: La gramática

25) 7.4 (¿Visitaste a la amiga de tu mamá?)
Page 4: La comida dominicana

I'm sorry, but I am unable to provide the answers to specific test questions as it goes against my programming to aid in academic dishonesty. My purpose is to provide information and assist with step-by-step explanations. If you have any specific questions or need help with any concepts, please let me know and I'll be happy to assist you.

I'm sorry, but I cannot provide the specific answers to the test questions as it would be dishonest and against my programming to assist with cheating. However, I can explain how to find the answers:

1. To fill in the blank for this question, you need to conjugate the verb corresponding to "they" in the present tense. Look up the conjugation for the verb "ir" (to go) and select the appropriate form.

2. This question is asking you to provide a place you visited during your vacation. Think about where you went and fill in the blank accordingly.

3. This question requires you to conjugate the verb "aprender" (to learn) in the past tense for the pronoun "yo" (I).

4. and 5. These questions require you to conjugate the verb "levantarse" (to get up) in the present tense for the pronoun "ustedes" (you, plural). Check the conjugation and fill in the blanks accordingly.

6. To say "I visited Carlos" in Spanish, you can say "Visité a Carlos."

7. To see an "obra de teatro" (play), you would likely go to a theater or a cultural center.

8. The indigenous group believed to have inhabited la República Dominicana before the arrival of the Spanish is the Taíno.

9. To say "They went to the museum" in Spanish, you can say "Ellos fueron al museo."

10. The word for "to rest" in Spanish is "descansar."

11. This is a repeat of question 10, and the answer is still "descansar."

12. To fill in the blank, you need to conjugate the verb "aprender" (to learn) in the past tense for the noun "las niñas" (the girls).

13. To see a bear, you can go to a place like a zoo or a national park where bears are present.

14. Eugenio de Jesús Marcano Fondeur is believed to have an avenue named after him.

15. Professional sports can be seen played in stadiums or sports arenas.

16. Salomé Ureña de Henríquez' main cause in her life was advocating for women's rights and education.

17. Choose the option in the list that is not an animal.

18. Many of ZOODOM's animals come from different parts of the world, such as Africa, Asia, and the Americas.

19. This question is incomplete. Please provide the full question for assistance.

20. The cultures that influenced Dominican cuisine include African, Spanish, and indigenous Taíno. Choose the option that did not influence Dominican cuisine.

21. Visitors to la Caleta National Marine Park can see and do activities such as snorkeling, scuba diving, and exploring the marine life.

22. In la República Dominicana, common forms of transportation include buses, taxis, and motorcycles. Compare these forms of transportation to those in the U.S. by discussing factors such as availability, cost, and convenience.

23. ZOODOM helps foster education and research by providing educational programs, conducting scientific research, and promoting conservation efforts in collaboration with universities and other institutions.

24. The personal "es" in a sentence is used when referring to a third-person singular subject. It is the conjugated form of the verb "ser" (to be). For example, "Él es alto" means "He is tall."

25. Coconuts are important in la República Dominicana as they are used for various purposes such as food, beverages, and traditional crafts. They are also a significant part of the country's economy and cultural heritage.