What defensive coping methods is Michael using? What active coping methods might be healthier for him? Why would you recommend these methods?

Since we do not know what Michael is doing, we can not answer this question.

However, please notice that this asks what YOU would recommend. We do not do your homework for you. We will be happy to help you find sources of information and will also make suggestions for corrections and additions after you have done the writing.

To determine what defensive coping methods Michael is using, we would typically need more context or information about his situation or behavior. However, I can provide you with some examples of defensive coping methods that individuals commonly employ. Some defensive coping methods include denial, avoidance, rationalization, and projection. These methods are often used to protect oneself from facing or confronting difficult emotions or situations.

On the other hand, active coping methods focus on addressing the problem or stressor in a more constructive and healthier way. These methods may include seeking support from friends or loved ones, practicing relaxation techniques such as mindfulness or meditation, engaging in physical exercise, or seeking professional help from therapists or counselors.

Without knowing more specifics about Michael's situation, it is challenging to determine which active coping methods might be healthier for him. However, generally, these methods promote self-awareness, emotional regulation, and problem-solving skills, leading to healthier ways of managing stress and difficulties. Active coping methods encourage individuals to face their challenges head-on, seek support, and develop healthier behaviors and thought patterns.

If you have more context or specific information about Michael's situation, I can help provide more tailored recommendations for active coping methods that might be beneficial for him.