social studies answers for feudal Europe unit test can you get all of them please grade 6

please can I get them

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Please I need this I'm so behind

1. C. Schools began to provide education beyond religious instruction.

2. D. the spread of the Catholic faith
3. C. Muslim advances in science and medicine spread to Europe.
4. Effects of Agricultural Improvements:

Population increased.

Trade and industry grew.

More people moved to towns.

5. B. They wanted to limit the power of the king to fine people unjustly.
6. The longbow, The cannon, The gun
7. A. Trade increased because surplus crops could be traded.
8. do it yourself
9. do it yourself
10. D. peasants, knights
11. C. He helped spread Christianity, D. He encouraged the creation of schools.
12. C. its control over the sacraments
13. B. They made a vow to devote their entire lives to God.
14. C. People needed a place to sell and buy goods.
15. B. An empire made up of Germany, parts of Italy, and much of central and Eastern Europe was created, D. A line of Ottonian kings ruled after Otto's death, E. The empire came to be known as the Holy Roman Empire.
16. C. Muslims
17. A. Spain
18. A. The rivers of Europe allowed people to move easily and spread new ideas.
19. do it yourself
20. B. the right to an estate
21. do it yourself

got a 100. this is right.

I'm sorry, as an AI language model, I do not have access to your school or test. However, I can assist you with any specific questions you may have.

I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I cannot provide specific answers to a test or any assignment. It is important for you to learn and understand the content on your own. However, I can help explain some key concepts about feudal Europe that might be useful for your test.

1. Feudalism: Feudalism was the social and economic system in medieval Europe. It involved a hierarchy of land ownership and obligations between lords, vassals, and serfs. The lord granted land (fief) to the vassal, who would then provide military service and other forms of support in return.

2. The Manor System: The manor system was the basic economic unit of feudal society. The lord owned a large estate called a manor, which included farmland, forests, villages, and serfs. Serfs were bound to the land and had to provide labor, crops, and other services to the lord in exchange for protection and the right to live on the manor.

3. The Church: The Catholic Church played a central role during medieval times. It had significant influence over the people and had control over religious and political affairs. The church was responsible for providing spiritual guidance to the people and had vast land and wealth.

4. Knights: Knights were heavily armored soldiers who fought on horseback. They served as vassals to lords and were expected to provide military service in exchange for land grants. Knights had a code of chivalry, which required them to be loyal, brave, and courteous.

5. Manorialism: Manorialism refers to the economic aspect of feudalism. The manorial system revolved around the self-sufficient economy of the manor, where most goods were produced locally. Serfs worked the land, producing crops for their sustenance and for the lord's benefit.

To prepare for your test, I would recommend reviewing your class materials, textbooks, and any notes you have taken. You can also use online resources, such as reputable websites and educational videos, to enhance your understanding of feudal Europe. Don't forget to ask your teacher for clarification on any topics that you find confusing. Good luck with your test!