Jill said that an angle is made of two rays.is she correct? explain

Yes, she is correct, because an angle is formed by two rays that share a vertex.

I believe she is correct. The two rays would be the intersecting lines, and the angle is between.

Yes, Jill is correct. An angle is formed when two rays share a common endpoint called the vertex. These rays are called the sides of the angle. In order to verify this information, we can consult geometry resources, such as textbooks or online references, for confirmation.

To find out whether an angle is made of two rays, we can follow these steps:

1. Understand the definition of an angle: An angle is the geometric shape formed when two rays share a common endpoint.
2. Identify the given situation: In this case, Jill claims that an angle is made of two rays.
3. Consult a reliable source: Verify the accuracy of Jill's statement by referring to geometry resources. This can be done by referring to a geometry textbook, searching online, or checking educational websites dedicated to the subject.
4. Confirm the information: Check whether the chosen source clearly defines an angle as being composed of two rays sharing a common endpoint. If the definition matches Jill's statement, then it can be considered correct.

By following these steps, we can determine that Jill is indeed correct in saying that an angle is formed by two rays.