Tyshai is seven times as old as troyan if in 5 years the sum of troyans and tyshai’s ages is 98 what is troyan present age use and algerbraic approach


x = Tyshai now
y = Troyan now
what do we know?
x = 7y
x+5 + y+5 = 98
Now just find x and y

Troyan is X yrs. old.

Tyshai is 7x yrs. old.

5 yrs. Later:
(x+5) + (7x+5) = 98.
X =

To find Troyan's present age using an algebraic approach, we can break down the problem into equations and solve them step by step.

Let's assume Troyan's present age is x.
According to the given information, Tyshai is seven times as old as Troyan. This can be written as:
Tyshai's age = 7 * Troyan's age

In 5 years, the sum of their ages will be 98. This implies that:
(Troyan's age + 5) + (Tyshai's age + 5) = 98

Now, substitute the value of Tyshai's age from the first equation into the second equation to get a single equation with only one variable (Troyan's age):
(x + 5) + (7x + 5) = 98

Simplify the equation:
8x + 10 = 98

Next, isolate x (Troyan's age) by subtracting 10 from both sides of the equation:
8x = 98 - 10

Simplify further:
8x = 88

Finally, divide both sides by 8 to solve for Troyan's age:
x = 88 / 8

Therefore, Troyan's present age is:
x = 11

Hence, Troyan's present age is 11.