which of the following best explains why most immigrants came to the unitd states between 1865 and 1920

a. most immigrants were wealthy Europeans who brought successful business to the united states.

b. most immigrants faced problems at home. they believed that there was much more opportunities for them in the united states then at home

c. most immigrants came to Oregon territories, where married couples were given 640 acres of land for free

d. most immigrants did not expect to find much opportunity in the united states. but many were expelled from their homelands***

wat is the awnser

I disagree!

The correct answer is option d. Most immigrants did not expect to find much opportunity in the United States, but many were expelled from their homelands.

During the period between 1865 and 1920, there were various factors that led to a large influx of immigrants to the United States. Many immigrants came to the US to escape difficult situations in their homelands, such as persecution, poverty, political unrest, and religious intolerance. Economic factors, such as unemployment and lack of land or resources, also played a role in driving immigrants to seek better opportunities in the United States. Therefore, while some immigrants may have been successful businesspeople or faced problems at home, the majority came to the US seeking refuge and better prospects.

To determine the best explanation for why most immigrants came to the United States between 1865 and 1920, we need to evaluate the options provided:

a. most immigrants were wealthy Europeans who brought successful business to the United States.
b. most immigrants faced problems at home. They believed that there were many more opportunities for them in the United States than at home.
c. most immigrants came to Oregon territories, where married couples were given 640 acres of land for free.
d. most immigrants did not expect to find much opportunity in the United States, but many were expelled from their homelands.

A good approach to answering this question is to evaluate the historical context and factors that drove immigration during the stated time period. Here are some steps to follow in order to determine the best explanation:

1. Identify important historical events during the specified time period (1865-1920): The end of the American Civil War, rapid industrialization, the growth of cities, the Homestead Act of 1862, political and religious conflicts in Europe, and economic instabilities.

2. Analyze the push and pull factors: Push factors include problems, conflicts, and challenges in the immigrants' home countries, such as political unrest, religious persecution, economic difficulties, and social oppression. Pull factors refer to the attractions or opportunities that the United States offered, such as industrial jobs, available land, economic stability, and religious freedom.

3. Evaluate each option based on the historical context:

Option a suggests that most immigrants were wealthy Europeans bringing successful businesses to the United States. While there were certainly some wealthy immigrants during this period, it does not accurately represent the majority.

Option b aligns with historical evidence. Many immigrants faced problems at home, including political conflicts, religious persecution, economic hardship, and social unrest. They believed that the United States offered more opportunities for a better life, leading them to seek immigration.

Option c is limited geographically, suggesting that most immigrants went to the Oregon territories due to the prospect of free land. However, this does not account for immigrants' diversity in destination or their motivations to come to the United States.

Option d acknowledges that most immigrants did not expect much opportunity in the United States but were forced to leave their homelands. While some immigrants faced expulsion from their countries, this explanation does not account for the diversity of immigrants during that period, including those who chose to come to the United States voluntarily.

4. Determine the best explanation: Based on the historical context and evaluation of options, the best explanation is option b. Most immigrants came to the United States between 1865 and 1920 because they faced various problems at home and believed that the United States offered greater opportunities for them.

It is important to note that historical events and factors can vary among individuals, communities, and regions, so there may be additional factors beyond those covered in this analysis.