What Role did marco polo play in the age of exploration?

A. He found the first sea route to asia.
B.he conquered native peoples in the americas
C. he invented new tools and methods of navigation
D . he increased european interest in foreign lands.

I believe its A

thanks! i have more

nope Ga

The answer to the question "What role did Marco Polo play in the Age of Exploration?" is D. He increased European interest in foreign lands.

Explanation: Marco Polo was an Italian explorer who lived during the 13th and 14th centuries. His travels to Asia are documented in his book, "The Travels of Marco Polo," which became widely popular in Europe. His vivid descriptions of the exotic lands and cultures he encountered sparked great interest and curiosity among Europeans. His writings sparked a desire for exploration and trade with the East, leading to increased European interest in foreign lands. While he did not find the first sea route to Asia (answer choice A) and he did not conquer native peoples in the Americas (answer choice B), it is important to note that Marco Polo's travels did contribute to the exchange of knowledge and ideas between different regions. However, he did not invent new tools and methods of navigation (answer choice C); that distinction goes to other explorers and navigators like Prince Henry the Navigator and Christopher Columbus.

A is incorrect.

Go back and read several articles in the Marco Polo search results that I posted earlier.