d = 0.08t^2 - 1.6t + 9

A student stands facing a motion detector. He quickly walks toward the detector, slows down, stops and then slowly walks away from the detector. He speeds up as he gets farther away from the detector.

How far is the student from the detector when he starts to walk?

Are my calculations correct?

d= 0.08t^2 -1.6t+9
d= 0.08(0)^2-1.6(0)+9=9
Therefore the student is 9m from the detector when he starts to walk

yes, d = 9 at t = 0

To find out how far the student is from the detector when he starts to walk, we need to find the value of 'd' when 't' is equal to zero.

Given the equation:
d = 0.08t^2 - 1.6t + 9

Substituting t = 0 into the equation, we get:
d = 0.08(0)^2 - 1.6(0) + 9
= 0 - 0 + 9
= 9

So, your calculation is correct. The student is 9 meters away from the detector when he starts to walk.