Consider the following figure.

A number line with point A at negative 2, point B at negative 1, point C at 1, point D at 3, point F at 4.5, and point G at 6.

Find AD, CG, and BD.

Enter your answer as three numbers.

Separate the numbers by commas, like this: 42, 53, 64
I'm confused with this

To find the lengths of the line segments AD, CG, and BD on the given number line, we need to subtract the coordinates of the points.

First, let's find AD:
Point A is at -2, and point D is at 3 on the number line. The distance between these two points is found by subtracting the coordinate of A from the coordinate of D. So, AD = 3 - (-2) = 3 + 2 = 5.

Next, let's find CG:
Point C is at 1, and point G is at 6. The distance between these two points is CG = 6 - 1 = 5.

Finally, let's find BD:
Point B is at -1, and point D is at 3. The distance between these two points is BD = 3 - (-1) = 3 + 1 = 4.

Therefore, the lengths of the line segments are: AD = 5, CG = 5, and BD = 4.

So, the answer is 5, 5, 4.

AD is the distance between A and D, so

AD = |D-A| = |3-(-2)| = |5| = 5
and so on