what type of figurative language is located in line 2?

Line 2: the moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas,
A: personification
B: metaphor
C: simile
D: rhyme
I think the answer is C plz help

help me asap

its B: metaphor


To determine the type of figurative language in line 2, let's examine the options:

A: Personification - This is when human characteristics are given to non-human entities. Example: "The moon whispered secrets." In line 2, the moon is not given human characteristics, so this option is not applicable.

B: Metaphor - This is when a comparison is made between two unrelated things, saying one thing is another. Example: "Life is a journey." In line 2, the moon is compared to a ghostly galleon, suggesting that the moon resembled a ship on stormy seas. This option is a possibility.

C: Simile - This is when a comparison is made using "like" or "as." Example: "She runs like the wind." In line 2, there is no comparison using "like" or "as," so this option is not applicable.

D: Rhyme - This refers to the repetition of similar sounds at the end of words. In line 2, there is no rhyming occurring, so this option is not applicable.

From these options, it appears that the best answer is B: metaphor.