when conducting ethnographic research as a participating observer, the investigator must do what?


Remain objective?

When conducting ethnographic research as a participating observer, the investigator must follow these steps:

1. Choose a research question: Clearly define the topic or problem you want to study, which should pertain to cultural practices, behaviors, or beliefs.

2. Gain entry and establish trust: Seek permission from the community or group that you wish to observe and participate in. Build rapport and establish trust with the participants while explaining the purpose and scope of your research.

3. Participant observation: Actively engage in the community or group by participating in their activities, rituals, and discussions. Observe their behavior, interactions, communication patterns, and any other relevant aspects of their culture.

4. Take field notes: Document detailed observations in a systematic and organized manner. Record your experiences, interactions, conversations, and anything else that provides insight into the research question. Note the context, setting, emotions, and any other relevant details.

5. Reflect and analyze: Regularly review and reflect on your field notes to identify emerging patterns, themes, and connections. Look for recurring behaviors, cultural norms, or any meaningful insights that can help answer your research question.

6. Maintain objectivity: While actively participating in the community, it is crucial to maintain objectivity and avoid getting too personally involved. Stay aware of your role as a researcher and how it may impact your observations and interpretations.

7. Validate findings: Seek multiple perspectives and engage in member checks to verify your findings. Discuss your observations and interpretations with the participants to ensure accuracy and gain additional insights.

8. Write a comprehensive report: Summarize and analyze your findings. Present your research question, methodology, key observations, and interpretations in a coherent and structured manner. Use quotes, anecdotes, or any supporting evidence to strengthen your arguments.

Remember, ethnographic research demands respect for cultural diversity, ethical considerations, and informed consent from participants. It is important to continually reflect on your own biases and assumptions during the research process.