A study was made of 200 preschoolers to determine if they watched a particular television shows. The choices were Little Galileo, Super Reader and Prehistoric Train. The results were:

22 preschoolers did not watch any of these shows
73 preschoolers only watched Little Galileo
136 preschoolers watched Little Galileo
14 preschoolers only watched Super Reader and Prehistoric Train
31 preschoolers only watched Little Galileo and Prehistoric Train
63 preschoolers watch Super Reader
135 preschoolers do not watch Prehistoric Train

Choose the following statements about the probabilities of preschool television viewing that are correct.

68% of the preschoolers watched Little Galileo
31.5% of preschoolers do NOT watch Super Reader
67.5% of preschoolers only watch Prehistoric Train.
89% of the preschoolers watch Little Galileo, Super Reader, or Prehistoric Train.
35.4% of preschoolers who watch a show watch Super Reader.
22% of preschoolers do NOT watch Little Galileo, Super Reader or Prehistoric Train.
7% of preschoolers only watch Prehistoric Train and Super Reader.
23.6% of preschoolers who watch a show watch Little Galileo.
68.5% of the preschoolers do NOT watch Super Reader
75.8% preschoolers who watch a show, do NOT watch Prehistoric Train.

choose all that apply

no idea how to do this? help !!!!

Then i think that you already know how to do it..

To determine the probabilities of preschool television viewing, we can use the information given in the study. Let's break down the given information and calculate the probabilities for each statement:

1. 68% of the preschoolers watched Little Galileo:
To calculate this, we need to add the number of preschoolers who only watched Little Galileo and the number of preschoolers who watched Little Galileo and other shows.
Total = (73 preschoolers only watched Little Galileo) + (136 preschoolers watched Little Galileo) = 209 preschoolers
Probability = (209 preschoolers who watched Little Galileo) / (200 preschoolers in total) = 104.5% (This seems to be an error in the given data since it exceeds 100%)

2. 31.5% of preschoolers do NOT watch Super Reader:
To calculate this, we need to subtract the number of preschoolers who watched Super Reader from the total number of preschoolers.
Total = (200 preschoolers in total) - (63 preschoolers who watched Super Reader) = 137 preschoolers
Probability = (137 preschoolers who do NOT watch Super Reader) / (200 preschoolers in total) = 68.5%

3. 67.5% of preschoolers only watch Prehistoric Train:
To calculate this probability, we need to calculate the number of preschoolers who only watched Prehistoric Train and divide it by the total number of preschoolers.
Total = (22 preschoolers who did not watch any shows) + (14 preschoolers only watched Super Reader and Prehistoric Train) + (31 preschoolers only watched Little Galileo and Prehistoric Train) + (7 preschoolers only watched Prehistoric Train and Super Reader) = 74 preschoolers
Probability = (74 preschoolers who only watch Prehistoric Train) / (200 preschoolers in total) = 37%

4. 89% of the preschoolers watch Little Galileo, Super Reader, or Prehistoric Train:
To calculate this, we need to add the number of preschoolers who watched Little Galileo, Super Reader, Prehistoric Train, and those who watch multiple shows.
Total = (73 preschoolers only watched Little Galileo) + (14 preschoolers only watched Super Reader and Prehistoric Train) + (31 preschoolers only watched Little Galileo and Prehistoric Train) + (7 preschoolers only watched Prehistoric Train and Super Reader) + (63 preschoolers who watched Super Reader) + (136 preschoolers watched Little Galileo) = 324 preschoolers
Probability = (324 preschoolers who watched at least one of the shows) / (200 preschoolers in total) = 162%

5. 35.4% of preschoolers who watch a show watch Super Reader:
To calculate this probability, we need to divide the number of preschoolers who watch Super Reader by the total number of preschoolers who watch at least one show.
Probability = (63 preschoolers who watched Super Reader) / (324 preschoolers who watched at least one show) ā‰ˆ 19.4% (This seems to be an error in the given data)

6. 22% of preschoolers do NOT watch Little Galileo, Super Reader, or Prehistoric Train:
To calculate this probability, we need to subtract the number of preschoolers who watch at least one of the shows from the total number of preschoolers.
Total = (200 preschoolers) - (74 preschoolers who only watch Prehistoric Train) = 126 preschoolers
Probability = (126 preschoolers who do NOT watch any of the shows) / (200 preschoolers in total) = 63%

7. 7% of preschoolers only watch Prehistoric Train and Super Reader:
To calculate this probability, we need to sum the number of preschoolers who only watched Prehistoric Train and Super Reader and divide it by the total number of preschoolers.
Total = (7 preschoolers only watched Prehistoric Train and Super Reader)
Probability = (7 preschoolers who only watch Prehistoric Train and Super Reader) / (200 preschoolers in total) = 3.5%

8. 23.6% of preschoolers who watch a show watch Little Galileo:
To calculate this probability, we need to divide the number of preschoolers who watch Little Galileo by the total number of preschoolers who watch at least one show.
Probability = (136 preschoolers who watched Little Galileo) / (324 preschoolers who watched at least one show) ā‰ˆ 42%

9. 68.5% of the preschoolers do NOT watch Super Reader:
This statement was already calculated in statement 2. The probability is 68.5%.

10. 75.8% preschoolers who watch a show do NOT watch Prehistoric Train:
To calculate this probability, we need to subtract the number of preschoolers who watch Prehistoric Train from the total number of preschoolers who watch at least one show.
Probability = (324 preschoolers who watch at least one show) - (63 preschoolers who watch Super Reader) - (74 preschoolers who only watch Prehistoric Train) = 187 preschoolers
Probability = (187 preschoolers who watch a show but do NOT watch Prehistoric Train) / (324 preschoolers who watch at least one show) ā‰ˆ 57.7%

Based on the calculations, the correct statements are:
- 31.5% of preschoolers do NOT watch Super Reader
- 67.5% of preschoolers only watch Prehistoric Train
- 22% of preschoolers do NOT watch Little Galileo, Super Reader or Prehistoric Train
- 75.8% of preschoolers who watch a show do NOT watch Prehistoric Train

i have two, 68% of them watch little galileo and 7% of them watch train and reader