1.Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

Image is a triangle with one side labeled as the 3 point 6 feet diameter of a semi-circle. The vertex opposite the semi-circle side is bi-sected by a horizontal line labeled 4 point 8 feet between the semi-circle diameter side and the opposing triangle.

Find the area of the irregular figure (use 3.14 for pi). Show your work. Round to the nearest tenth.

Do you mean that the figure consists of a triangle and a semi-circle which share a common side of 3.6, and the altitude of the triangle is 4.8? So it looks kind of like a sno-cone?

If so, then the area is
1/2 πr^2 + 1/2 bh = 1/2 π * 3.6^2 + 1/2 * 3.6 * 4.8 = 29

Due to process of elimination, I can say with great confidence that "Connexus Student" disliked every single comment above them, since they had no dislikes themselves, yet everything above them was disliked (Though somebody else could have just agreed only with them, or somebody disliked them all, then "Connexus Student commented).

I don't see anonymous's answer...

Please someone help im in need

Man y'all suck😐 jk but seriously no one knows the answer

you guys are useless

The area of a triangle is base times height divided by two. Therefore, 4.8 times 3.6 = 8.64. The radius of the half circle is 1.8. So, 1.8 times 3.14 divided by 2 = 5.0868. Then, add both areas together to get the total area. 8.64+5.0868= 13.7268. After being rounded to the nearest tenth, the answer is 13.7.

Hope this helps! :D

i need help know

Plz help, i know there is a hero out there that can help

Impressive very nice, Lets see Paul Allen's answers.