In the autobiographical selections "Hair" and "It Can't Be Helped," the authors describe how racial prejudice affected their early lives. Identify the key event described in each of the selections. Then explain how each author responded to the event at the time it happened and how he or she viewed the same event later in life.

also, what are the key events?

To identify the key events described in the autobiographical selections "Hair" and "It Can't Be Helped," we need to analyze the texts. However, as an AI text-based model, I don't have direct access to specific literary works. Nonetheless, I can provide you with some general guidance on how to determine the key events in these selections and discuss how the authors responded to them at the time and later in life.

To identify the key events:

1. Read the autobiographical selections carefully: Pay attention to significant incidents that shape the narrative or have a lasting impact on the authors' lives. These events often serve as turning points or moments of conflict.

2. Look for details and descriptions: Consider specific actions, conversations, or experiences that stand out in the authors' accounts. These notable occurrences are likely to be the key events being described.

Regarding how the authors responded to the events at the time they occurred and how they viewed them later in life, it would depend on the content of the autobiographical selections you mentioned. Each author's reaction and perspective can vary based on their unique experiences and personal growth. To address this part of the question, it would be necessary to examine the texts directly.

I recommend reading "Hair" and "It Can't Be Helped" carefully to identify the key events and gain deeper insights into the authors' responses to these events both at the time they occurred and later in life.