Hello again! This is a practice test. I know the answer to it; however, I really want to know HOW to solve it for the real test.

Which inequality represents all possible solutions of -6n < -12?

The Answer is:
n > 2

I just want to know how to solve it.

Thanks in advance!

dividing by -6 gets the n by itself on one side of the inequality

dividing (or multiplying) by a negative quantity reverses the direction of the inequality

Thank you~ :D

To solve the inequality -6n < -12, you need to isolate the variable n. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Start by dividing both sides of the inequality by -6. Remember, when dividing by a negative number, the direction of the inequality sign changes:

(-6n)/(-6) > (-12)/(-6)

This simplifies to:

n > 2

Step 2: Simplify the right side of the inequality by dividing -12 by -6, which gives you 2.

So, the solution to the inequality -6n < -12 is n > 2. This means that any value of n greater than 2 will satisfy the inequality.