the process of desertification can occur when?

A. Plants usually found in the desert replace trees that have been cut down
B. Farmers use contour farming techniques
C. An area of forest is clear cut
D. an area of forest is selectively cut

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Desertification occurs due to a decrease in vegetation. This can happen naturally due to a drought or can be caused by human activities. The lack of plants can cause changes to the land. Plants help shade the soil, so when plants are removed, the soil will be exposed to the sun and will dry out more quickly.

What does "clear cut" mean?

Clear cut = cutting all the trees in an area. This is done sometimes to create fields for growing crops. Think about why this might not be a good practice.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the process of desertification. Desertification refers to the degradation of fertile land into desert-like conditions. It is typically caused by a combination of natural and human factors that lead to a loss of vegetation, soil erosion, and a decline in water availability.

Let's analyze each option to see which one contributes to the process of desertification:

A. Plants usually found in the desert replace trees that have been cut down: This option suggests that the removal of trees is followed by the growth of desert plants. While deforestation can be one contributing factor to desertification, the replacement with desert plants does not necessarily lead to desertification.

B. Farmers use contour farming techniques: Contour farming is an agricultural practice that involves plowing and planting across the slope of the land to help reduce erosion. This technique is aimed at preventing soil erosion and promoting water conservation, which is the opposite of what leads to desertification.

C. An area of forest is clear-cut: Clear-cutting is a logging practice where all trees in an area are completely removed. This can lead to the destruction of the forest ecosystem, disruption of soil stability, and increased susceptibility to desertification.

D. An area of forest is selectively cut: Selective cutting involves the careful and controlled removal of some trees while leaving others in place. While selective cutting can still have environmental impacts, it generally has a lower risk of leading to desertification compared to clear-cutting.

Based on this analysis, the option that best corresponds to the process of desertification is:
C. An area of forest is clear-cut.

Therefore, the correct answer is C.