How did Catherine the Great change Russia?

She modernized and westernized it.

She reformed Russia's economy.

She founded the Kievan Rus.

She expanded Russia's territory.

1. D

2. B
3. Islam then Eastern Orthodox church
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. Shrinkage of the Arial Sea

you're welcome <333

What is your answer?

What is your answer to the Mikhail Gorbachev’s reforms question?

I am so confused right now >~<

its d

you can kick me ms sue but i know the answer

thanks! I just got confused on all that was going on and the posts being mixed up

right sorry duh! I think its B because I found this:

Empress of Russia. ... Catherine soon orchestrated a coup that forced Peter to step down after just six months on the throne, and she became empress of Russia on July 9, 1762

Oh thank you!

mind if I ask another one?

What was the unexpected result of Mikhail Gorbachev’s reforms?

The tsar was killed.

The Soviet Union fell apart.

Stalin came to power.

Voters elected Vladimir Putin.

I think its A

What does b have to do with Russia's economy?

wait no, I remember it wasn't A I think its B...

Yikes!! A is the wildest guess I've seen all evening! Please read your assignment before you show off what you don't know!

Thats whats on my quiz...

see thats why I changed my answer I realized that my self xD

I wanted to change it to C

am I still getting help?

do you have information that, that is the answer? because I really need this to be correct

anyone there??

C thats what I believe it is

kanamafu is correct


Okay. Is there anything else you need help with?

No. It's too bad you'd rather guess than learn.

Please do not post these questions again.