Which is a right that both citizens and non-citizens in the U.S. share? A. the right to vote B. the right to religious freedom C. the right to run for public office D. the right to have a job========

No. Foreigners have to have green cards to get a job.

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The correct answer is B. the right to religious freedom.

Both citizens and non-citizens in the U.S. enjoy the right to religious freedom. This means that everyone has the right to practice any religion of their choice, or no religion at all, without facing discrimination.

To find the answer, you would need to have some basic knowledge about the rights and freedoms protected by the United States Constitution. In this case, you would need to know that the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of religion. This amendment ensures that individuals, regardless of their citizenship status, have the right to practice their own religion without interference from the government.