Hello Ms. Sue! I like this website. It is really helpful. But can you add notifications to the website? It would really help.

Hello, Ms. Sue is not the owner of this website, she is a teacher here. And, if notifications were added, you would have to end up "signing in/making an account" on here so the website knows who you were talking to.

And "Cardinary"... It wouldn't have to sign in. ittle just remeber you as your ip address

im here brother what the problem

I'll send this thread to the owner of Jiskha.

You're welcome. Check this thread from time to time for an answer.


I agree with this, and I know a lot of other people do too. Unless it requires Jiskha to have funding from the users, I don't see how notifications could be a difficulty to add. I hope the faculty and owner understand and respond well to this thread.

Yea usernames

Thank you so much guys!

I think this will do good! :)

But there is a problem..My brother use this site 2

Thank you! But how is it a problem? Your brother supposedly doesn't like notifications?