Which type of climate is described as having hot temperatures and heavy rainfall all year round?


dry tropical


wet tropical

Yes, d.

The type of climate that is described as having hot temperatures and heavy rainfall all year round is option D, wet tropical. To determine the answer, we can start by analyzing the characteristics of each climate type listed.

A. Arid climate refers to dry, desert-like conditions with low precipitation and high temperatures. This option does not match the description given.

B. Dry tropical climate, also known as a tropical savannah climate, is characterized by a dry season and a wet season with distinct temperature variations throughout the year. Since it includes a dry season, it does not match the description of having heavy rainfall all year round.

C. Mediterranean climate has mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers. Although it has some similarities to the characteristics mentioned, it does not match the requirement of heavy rainfall throughout the year.

D. Wet tropical climate, often found near the equator, is known for its high temperatures and abundant rainfall throughout the year. This description fits the given characteristics well, making it the correct answer.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. wet tropical.

my answer is d