A 0.850 m aqueous solution of KBr has a total mass of 66.0 g. What masses of solute and solvent are present?



To find the masses of solute and solvent in the solution, we need to use the definition of concentration, which is the amount of solute present per unit quantity of solvent or solution.

- Concentration of the solution: 0.850 m aqueous solution of KBr
- Total mass of the solution: 66.0 g

To determine the masses of solute (KBr) and solvent (water), follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the mass of solute (KBr):
First, we need to determine the volume of the solution using the known concentration and mass.

Density (d) of water = 1.00 g/mL
Using the definition of molarity (mol/L), we know that 0.850 mol of KBr is present in 1 L of the solution.

To determine the volume of the solution:
Volume = Mass of the solution / Density of water
Volume = 66.0 g / 1.00 g/mL
Volume = 66.0 mL

Now, we can calculate the mass of solute (KBr) using its molarity and volume:
Mass of solute (KBr) = Molarity x Volume
Mass of solute (KBr) = 0.850 mol/L x 0.0660 L (since the volume is given in mL)
Mass of solute (KBr) = 0.0561 g

Therefore, the mass of solute (KBr) in the solution is 0.0561 g.

Step 2: Calculate the mass of solvent (water):
To find the mass of the solvent, we subtract the mass of the solute from the total mass of the solution.

Mass of solvent (water) = Total mass of solution - Mass of solute (KBr)
Mass of solvent (water) = 66.0 g - 0.0561 g
Mass of solvent (water) = 65.9 g

Therefore, the mass of solvent (water) in the solution is 65.9 g.

In summary:
- Mass of solute (KBr): 0.0561 g
- Mass of solvent (water): 65.9 g