1. Why did William T. Sherman want to attack Columbia? (1 point)

a. because he had lost a previous skirmish there

*b. because he wanted to attack the capital of the state where the war began

c. because it was located directly in his line of march from Georgia to North Carolina

d. because it was a symbol of arrogance and the plantation economy that pushed the nation toward war

for connections lesson 3 the end of the war


Bella is right. i got a 100%. her anwsers are for 8th grade, unit 2 lesson3

bella is right on this thank you bella

Thx Bella!

If you didn't see Bella's' response or it got removed

yep bella yous a realest

thank you bella is right!!

bella is still right as of 2021.

bella still right in 2021

Bella is 100% right thanks so much

Thank boo😘. New friends anyone ?

No they didn't

BBDB is correct February 2023

What about the rest?

Bella is right bbdb

Thank you Bella

Bella is still right is 2022

Yeah Bella is still right

Does anyone have the rest?

Bella's no longer right, they changed it

And your answer is?