The results of a survey are shown. In the survey, 92 students said their favorite dessert is candy.

Pie: 15%
Candy: 23%
Cake: 27%
Ice Cream: 35%
1) How many students were surveyed? students

2) How many students said their favorite dessert is cake? students

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1) [(number who prefer candy) / (total students)] * 100% = % candy

2) (total students) * (% cake) / 100% = students who prefer cake

Thanks you so much R_scott!

To answer these questions, we need to use the information provided in the survey results.

1) To determine how many students were surveyed, we can add up the percentages of students who prefer each dessert and calculate it in relation to the total number of students surveyed.

The percentage for each dessert represents the proportion of students who said it's their favorite. To calculate the total number of students surveyed, we can use the percentage for any dessert. Let's choose "Candy" since it has a value of 23%.

We can set up a proportion to solve for the total number of students surveyed:

(23/100) = 92/x

Cross-multiplying, we get:

23x = 92*100

Dividing both sides by 23:

x = (92*100) / 23

Calculating this, we find:

x ≈ 400

Therefore, the total number of students surveyed is approximately 400 students.

2) To determine how many students said their favorite dessert is cake, we can use the percentage given for cake and calculate it in relation to the total number of students surveyed.

Given that the percentage for cake is 27%, we can calculate the specific number of students who said cake is their favorite using the total number of students surveyed obtained in question 1.

Number of students who prefer cake = (27/100) * Total number of students surveyed

Substituting the values:

Number of students who prefer cake = (27/100) * 400

Calculating this, we find:

Number of students who prefer cake ≈ 108

Therefore, approximately 108 students said their favorite dessert is cake.

cheated you guys cheated this platform is to help students like me and you learn and grow not to lie behind your teachers backs and steal work. Just wait it will be instant karma

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