In a paragraph, compare and contrast any two of the following forms of poetry:Concrete,Haiku, or Limerick

Your essay should include a specific description of each of the two forms you choose. Explain how the two forms are alike and how they are different.
I'm not asking for an answer, I'm just asking for help on ideas on what I should do. TIA!

Which two forms have you chosen?

Google each of them for ideas.

I think I might choose Concrete and Haiku?

I'm not sure, I just want to get done with my assament. Whatevers easiest to do. Thanks, Mrs. Sue!

The easiest is to Google each of those forms. I'd print out a couple of three sites for each form.

This site will help you organize your paper.

Thank you. I'll study on the link you gave me. Big help!

You are welcome.

To compare and contrast two forms of poetry (Concrete, Haiku, or Limerick), you can start by selecting two of these forms and providing a specific description of each. Here's a breakdown of how you can approach this task:

1. Choose two forms of poetry: Select either Concrete, Haiku, or Limerick as the two forms you want to compare and contrast. As an example, let's say you choose to compare and contrast Concrete and Haiku.

2. Describe Concrete poetry: Start by describing what Concrete poetry is. Concrete poetry is characterized by the visual arrangement of words on the page to create or enhance meaning. The form typically aligns the words or letters in a shape related to the poem's content.

3. Describe Haiku poetry: Next, describe Haiku poetry. Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that consists of three lines with a syllable pattern of 5-7-5. Haiku typically conveys a single vivid image, often connected to nature, and expresses a moment of insight or reflection.

4. Compare the forms: Discuss the similarities between Concrete and Haiku. For instance, both forms are concise and aim to convey meaning while adhering to specific rules. Concrete poetry and Haiku also often rely on vivid imagery to convey their intended message.

5. Contrast the forms: Highlight the differences between Concrete and Haiku. For example, while Concrete focuses on the visual arrangement of words, Haiku prioritizes the structure and syllable pattern. Concrete poetry offers more creative flexibility in terms of form and shape, while Haiku adheres to a strict structure.

6. Provide examples: To support your comparison and contrast, include examples of Concrete and Haiku poems. Use these examples to show the specific elements of each form and how they contribute to their distinct characteristics.

By following these steps, you'll be able to create a structured essay that both describes the chosen forms of poetry and compares and contrasts them effectively.