which type of software coordinates the hardware and software of a computer to work efficiently and productively

the operating system

Answers are


3 is D

3 is D.

The third one is wrong, but 80% thx Semii

The type of software that coordinates the hardware and software of a computer to work efficiently and productively is called an operating system (OS). An OS is a fundamental software component that manages various aspects of a computer system, including hardware resources, software applications, and user interactions.

To understand how an operating system accomplishes this coordination, let's explore its primary functions:

1. Process Management: The operating system oversees the execution of programs and manages multiple processes concurrently. It allocates resources and sets priority levels to ensure efficient utilization of the CPU (Central Processing Unit).

2. Memory Management: The OS handles the allocation and organization of memory space for programs and data. It keeps track of which parts of memory are in use, manages memory swapping (transferring data between RAM and disk storage), and ensures different programs do not interfere with each other.

3. File System Management: An operating system provides a hierarchical structure for organizing and accessing files on storage devices. It handles file creation, deletion, and organization, as well as controlling read/write operations and access permissions.

4. Device Management: The OS acts as an intermediary between software applications and hardware devices. It controls input/output operations, manages device drivers required for hardware communication, and handles data transfer and synchronization.

5. User Interface: The operating system provides a user-friendly interface that allows users to interact with the computer system. This can be through a graphical user interface (GUI) or a command-line interface (CLI), depending on the OS.

6. Security and Protection: The OS implements security measures to protect the system and its data. It controls user access levels, enforces authentication and authorization, and safeguards against malicious software.

To summarize, an operating system is responsible for coordinating and managing the hardware and software components of a computer, ensuring they work together efficiently and productively.