Choose the best paraphrase of Basho's haiku.

An old silent pond.../ A Frog jumps into the pond,/ splash! Silence again.
A) The pond was silent until the frog jumped in. Splashing now alternates with quiet.
B) A pond will never be silent after one frog jumps into it and starts splashing around
C) A frog jumps into a quiet pond; there is a splash; then, all is quiet once more.
D) there is once a ancient body of water that a frog splashed into and died......((Well....I never thought they would add "Frog splashed into and died" in a lesson!))

C is my answer. Please check it! Thanks!

Yes, c.

Thank you, Ms. Sue!

You're welcome, Silverstream.

The best paraphrase of Basho's haiku is C) A frog jumps into a quiet pond; there is a splash; then, all is quiet once more.

To find the correct answer, you need to understand the core message and imagery of the original haiku. The haiku describes an old, silent pond, which is disrupted by the sound of a frog jumping into the water, creating a splash. After the splash, the pond returns to its original state of silence.

Option A is incorrect because it does not mention the alternating pattern of quiet and splashing.

Option B is incorrect because it states that the pond will never be silent after one frog jumps in, which contradicts the haiku's message of returning to silence.

Option C accurately captures the essence of the haiku by describing the sequence of events: the frog jumps into the quiet pond, creating a splash, and then everything is silent again.

Option D is incorrect because it adds a narrative element that is not present in the original haiku.