How did Asian societies influence trade and exploration during the Age of Discovery? (5-7 sentences)

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During the Age of Discovery, Asian societies had a significant influence on trade and exploration in several ways. First, their advanced navigational techniques, such as the use of the compass and astrolabe, greatly aided European explorers in their voyages by allowing for more precise navigation. These techniques had been developed and perfected by Asian societies long before the Age of Discovery.

Second, Asian societies were major centers of trade and commerce, creating a network of established trade routes across land and sea. European explorers were motivated by the desire to establish direct trade routes with Asia, bypassing the intermediaries who controlled the existing routes. This led to the discovery of new routes, such as the sea route to India sailed by Vasco da Gama.

Furthermore, Asian societies had a rich tradition of maritime trade, with goods from China, India, and the Arabic world being highly sought after. European countries, eager to tap into this lucrative trade, embarked on exploratory voyages to find new sources of these valuable goods. This desire for access to Asian commodities played a major role in motivating European exploration.

Additionally, Asian societies, particularly the powerful Mongol Empire, facilitated trade and cultural exchange between Europe and Asia. The Mongols promoted safe travel on the Silk Road and fostered communication between different regions, paving the way for increased understanding and trade. European travelers and merchants were exposed to new goods, ideas, and technologies from Asia, which further stimulated their interest in exploration.

Lastly, the encounter with Asian civilizations, such as the Ottoman Empire and China, challenged and stimulated European intellectual curiosity and innovation. European scholars and scientists were exposed to new knowledge from these societies, fostering a climate of intellectual curiosity that fueled further exploration and discovery.

Overall, Asian societies influenced trade and exploration during the Age of Discovery through their advanced navigation techniques, established trade networks, rich trading traditions, facilitation of safe travel, and stimulation of European intellectual curiosity.