The distance between Mountain View and crown top is 6.5 inches on a map if the scale on the map is 1 inch equals 25 miles what is the actual distance between the two towns 831.5 miles be 16.5 miles see 162.5 miles D 1 165 miles

Your not stupid don't listen to these guys just cause they say something don't mean its true, keep working and try your best

You must be dumb too if you're on this website looking up the question for the answer lol

sO i am cOnfuSiOn

I honestly think @Ur is joking. No one is that pitifully stupid... Then again, we are talking about middle schoolers

omg stop. we just came for answers!

btw is anyone going to say the answer? (plz don't take this as rude >-<).


We are not trying to learn your life, every single question your in you use you "stupid" excuse saying "you don't know my like" and other things like that. If your life is bad don't make everyone else's life bad. You better stop calling people names change your name, or you won't be on this site anymore!


I think ur dumb came on this website to mock people