How is the Philippines involved in the Spanish American War

I found that earlier but I couldn't understand how the Philippines became involved. It talked about how Cuba did but I am still confused as to why the Philippines became a part of it.

That fact isn't clear in that article.

Spain had ruled the Philippines since the 16th century. When the Americans defeated Spain in the Spanish-American War, they took over the Philippines.

The Philippines played a significant role in the Spanish-American War. In 1898, the United States went to war with Spain, primarily over Spain's colonial holdings, including Cuba and the Philippines. The conflict began in the Caribbean but quickly expanded to the Pacific.

To understand the involvement of the Philippines in the war, let's break it down step by step:

1. Background: The Philippines was a Spanish colony for over three centuries, but by the late 19th century, there was a growing movement for independence within the archipelago. Spain's rule was increasingly challenged by local revolutionaries, such as Emilio Aguinaldo, who led the Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonial rule.

2. U.S. Objectives: The United States had several motivations for engaging in the Spanish-American War, including supporting Cuban independence and expanding American influence globally. To achieve these goals, the U.S. sought to defeat the Spanish fleet and secure Spanish colonial territories.

3. Battle of Manila Bay: On May 1, 1898, Commodore George Dewey led the U.S. Asiatic Squadron into Manila Bay and engaged the Spanish Pacific Squadron, which was based in the Philippines. The highly successful battle resulted in the destruction of the Spanish fleet, essentially granting the United States control over the waters of the Philippines.

4. Filipino-American Alliance: Emilio Aguinaldo, the revolutionary leader of the Philippine forces, had been exiled by the Spanish authorities. However, upon the outbreak of the Spanish-American War, Aguinaldo returned to the Philippines with the support of the United States. He formed a military alliance with the U.S. and fought against the Spanish forces.

5. Treaty of Paris: In December 1898, the Treaty of Paris was signed, officially ending the Spanish-American War. Under the treaty, Spain ceded the Philippines, along with several other territories, to the United States.

6. Philippine-American War: Despite fighting together against the Spanish, tensions quickly arose between the United States and Filipino revolutionaries. The United States' annexation of the Philippines led to the Philippine-American War, where Filipino nationalists fought against U.S. forces for independence. The conflict lasted until 1902, resulting in U.S. victory and the establishment of American colonial rule.

In summary, the Philippines played a crucial role in the Spanish-American War as the site of one of the most significant naval battles and as a territory that transitioned from Spanish to American control. The war ultimately led to a new phase of colonization for the Philippines, triggering the subsequent Philippine-American War for independence.