Which of the following would the five pillars of islam require Unit 2 Lesson 6

A. Going to a daily service at mosque
B. Making an annual hajj *****
C. Donating money to charity each year
D. Abstaining from eating on Wensday each week

Anon it's not a multiple chocie


I'm a muslim it's C yes you are supposed to go to hajj but its only once not annually.

Thank you for the clarification. Yes, the Five Pillars of Islam require donating money to charity each year, going to hajj (pilgrimage) once in a lifetime, fasting during Ramadan, praying five times a day, and declaring and believing in the oneness of God and the prophethood of Muhammad.

To determine which of the options are required by the Five Pillars of Islam, we need to understand what the Five Pillars of Islam entail. The Five Pillars are the five basic acts of worship that are considered obligatory for all Muslims. They are:

1. Shahada: The statement of faith, which involves accepting and declaring that there is no god but Allah and acknowledging Muhammad as his prophet.

2. Salah: The ritual prayer performed five times a day facing towards the Kaaba in Mecca. This option (A) of going to a daily service at the mosque aligns with the requirement of performing salah, so it is a possible answer.

3. Zakat: The act of giving charity to the needy and less fortunate. This option (C) of donating money to charity each year aligns with the requirement of zakat, so it is another possible answer.

4. Sawm: Fasting during the month of Ramadan from dawn until sunset. The option (D) of abstaining from eating on Wednesday each week does not align with the requirement of fasting during Ramadan. Therefore, it is not required by the Five Pillars of Islam.

5. Hajj: The pilgrimage to Mecca that is required to be undertaken at least once in a Muslim's lifetime, if physically and financially able. This option (B) of making an annual hajj does not align with the requirement of performing hajj, as hajj is only required once in a lifetime. Therefore, it is not required by the Five Pillars of Islam.

Based on the explanation above, the correct answer is:

B. Making an annual hajj

I agree with Anon.


B, and C