Nine more than half the number n is no more than -8. Write an inequality and find n.

"Nine more than half the number n" ---> (1/2)n + 9

(1/2)n + 9 "is no more than -8" -----> (1/2)n + 9 ≤ -8

carry on.

Thank you!

The inequality can be represented as:

(1/2)n + 9 ≤ -8

To solve for n, we need to isolate n on one side of the inequality.

(1/2)n ≤ -8 - 9

(1/2)n ≤ -17

To get rid of the fraction, we can multiply both sides by 2:

2 * (1/2)n ≤ 2 * -17

n ≤ -34

Therefore, the value of n is less than or equal to -34.

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step.

The first part of the problem states: "Nine more than half the number n." This can be expressed as the mathematical expression (1/2)n + 9.

The second part of the problem states: "is no more than -8." This can be expressed as the inequality (1/2)n + 9 ≤ -8.

To find the value of n, we need to isolate it on one side of the inequality.

Let's solve the inequality step by step:

(1/2)n + 9 ≤ -8

Subtract 9 from both sides:
(1/2)n ≤ -8 - 9
(1/2)n ≤ -17

Multiply both sides by 2 to remove the fraction:
2 * (1/2)n ≤ 2 * (-17)
n ≤ -34

Therefore, the value of n is any number less than or equal to -34.

So, the inequality is n ≤ -34.