Several US leaders wanted no part in imperialistic practices. Why did these officials think imperialistic policies were such a bad idea?

One answer is that they felt that governing such diverse people would cost too much.

Does your assigned reading give a different answer?

You're welcome.

No thank you Ms. Sue!

Several US leaders opposed imperialistic practices due to several reasons:

1. **Moral objections**: Many officials believed in the principles of justice, liberty, and equality that were foundational to the United States. They argued that imperialism contradicted these ideals, as it involved the subjugation and exploitation of other nations and peoples. They believed that the US should not impose its will on others or engage in unfair practices, but rather promote democracy and self-determination.

2. **Economic concerns**: Some officials recognized that imperialistic policies could be costly and potentially lead to economic problems. Maintaining and governing overseas territories or colonies requires significant financial resources, which could divert funds from domestic needs. Furthermore, there was concern that imperialism would lead to monopolies, stifling competition and limiting economic growth.

3. **Political ramifications**: Opponents of imperialism feared that it could undermine the democratic systems and values of the United States. They warned that acquiring territories with different cultures, languages, and political systems could disrupt the unity and equality among citizens. Critics argued that imperialism would transform the US into an empire with a vast bureaucracy and military presence, eroding the principles of a limited government.

4. **International relations**: Some officials believed that imperialistic policies would harm the US's reputation and credibility on the world stage. They feared that other nations could see the US as an aggressor rather than a champion of democracy and freedom. They preferred maintaining friendly relations and engaging in diplomacy rather than pursuing expansion through military means.

It's important to note that while some US leaders were against imperialism, there were also proponents who believed it would enhance the nation's power, secure its economic interests, and spread American values. These differing views led to debates and conflicts throughout US history regarding its role in the world.