According to the transactional model, senders and receivers

A) have only one role in a conversation.
B)exert only minimal effort in a communication exchange.
C) are passive when conversing interpersonally.
D) participate equally and simultaneously in a given interaction. ***
Please help!

To answer this question, we need to understand the transactional model of communication. The transactional model suggests that communication is a simultaneous and continuous process involving both the sender and receiver. It emphasizes that communication is not a one-way process but rather a dynamic interaction between individuals.

Now let's go through the options one by one:

A) "Have only one role in a conversation" - This is not correct as the transactional model acknowledges that both the sender and receiver play active roles in the communication exchange. They both send and receive messages.

B) "Exert only minimal effort in a communication exchange" - This is also incorrect. In the transactional model, it is believed that both the sender and receiver exert significant effort in the communication process. They must actively encode and decode messages, as well as engage in feedback and interpretation.

C) "Are passive when conversing interpersonally" - This option is incorrect as well. The transactional model suggests that individuals engaged in interpersonal communication are active participants. They play an active role in encoding and decoding messages, interpreting meaning, and providing feedback.

D) "Participate equally and simultaneously in a given interaction" - This is the correct answer. According to the transactional model, both the sender and receiver participate equally and simultaneously in a conversation. They are both actively involved in the exchange, sending and receiving messages, and providing feedback. This model suggests that communication is a cooperative and mutually influential process.

So, the correct answer is option D) "Participate equally and simultaneously in a given interaction."

I'm sure that's correct but I'm too late and also DON'T take my word for it. lolol