what is a form of water transporation in early Indians

Do you mean what kinds of water transportation was used by early Native Americans? or by those who live in India?

Taking a guess that you are not referring to early people in India, I'm sending you these search results. Read lots and let us know what you learn.


A form of water transportation used by early Indians was boats or wooden canoes. These vessels were crafted from tree trunks and were typically used for various purposes such as transportation, fishing, and trade along rivers and coastal regions.

If you are interested in learning more about this topic, you can conduct further research using the following steps:

1. Start by searching for keywords related to early Indian water transportation, such as "ancient Indian boats" or "water transport in ancient India."

2. Visit reputable sources such as academic journals, historical books, or reliable websites like museums or educational institutions. These sources often provide accurate and well-researched information about the subject.

3. Analyze the information you find, paying attention to details such as the types of boats used, their construction methods, and the purposes they served.

4. Take note of any important historical events or cultural influences that shaped the development of water transportation in ancient India.

By following these steps, you can gather more in-depth knowledge about the various forms of water transportation utilized by early Indians.