If on a scale drawing 100 feet are represented by 15 inches, then a scale of 1/2 inch represents how many feet?)

To find out how many feet are represented by a scale of 1/2 inch, we can set up a proportion using the given scale.

We know that 100 feet is represented by 15 inches on the scale drawing.

Let's set up the proportion:

100 feet / 15 inches = X feet / 1/2 inch

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply:

15 inches * X feet = 100 feet * 1/2 inch

15X = 50

Now, isolate X by dividing both sides of the equation by 15:

X = 50 / 15

Simplifying the division gives us:

X = 10/3

Therefore, a scale of 1/2 inch represents approximately 10/3 or 3.33 feet.

To find out how many feet are represented by a scale of 1/2 inch, we can set up a proportion using the given information:

100 feet is represented by 15 inches in the scale drawing.
So, we can set up the proportion:

100 feet / 15 inches = x feet / 1/2 inch

To solve for x (the number of feet represented by 1/2 inch), we can cross-multiply:

(100 feet)(1/2 inch) = (15 inches)(x feet)

50 feet-inch = 15x feet

Now, to isolate x, we can divide both sides of the equation by 15:

(50 feet-inch) / 15 = (15x feet) / 15

3.33 feet-inch = x feet

Therefore, a scale of 1/2 inch represents approximately 3.33 feet.

100/15 = x/(1/2)

15x = 50
x = 3 1/3 feet