The modern atomic model includes electrons orbiting the nucleus. Which of the following parts of Dalton’s atomic model was disproved by the discovery of the electron?

A. Atoms are tiny particles.
B. Atoms cannot be divided into smaller parts.
C. Atoms have specific mass and size.
D. Atoms have specific chemical properties.



B was disproved.

What’s the answer plz 😂

The correct answer is C. Atoms have specific mass and size.


Dalton's atomic model, also known as the billiard ball model, suggested that atoms were indivisible and had specific mass and size. However, the discovery of the electron proved this particular aspect of Dalton's model to be incorrect.

To arrive at this answer, one should know that the discovery of the electron came from experiments conducted by J.J. Thomson in the late 19th century. Through his experiments with cathode rays, Thomson demonstrated that electrons are negatively charged particles that exist outside the nucleus of an atom. This discovery led to the development of the modern atomic model, which included the idea of electrons orbiting the nucleus.

Therefore, by rejecting the notion that atoms have specific mass and size, the discovery of the electron disproved part C of Dalton's atomic model.