The students in Karlene's class got to choose between pizza and burgers for the celebration on the last day of school. 3 students picked the pizza and 27 students picked the burgers. What percentage of the students picked the pizza?

3/30 = ?

3/30 * 100% =



To find the percentage of students who chose pizza, you need to divide the number of students who picked pizza by the total number of students, and then multiply your answer by 100.

First, add the number of students who picked pizza and the number of students who picked burgers: 3 + 27 = 30.

Then divide the number of students who picked pizza by the total number of students: 3 / 30 = 0.1.

Next, multiply your answer by 100 to find the percentage: 0.1 * 100 = 10.

Therefore, 10% of the students in Karlene's class picked pizza for the celebration.