Miguel is on the hockey team at school. He is at practice when the coach asks him to cover the goal. How does the nervous system respond to Miguel needing to change direction while skating?

A . For any movement in Miguel to occur, first a message or impulse is sent out of the presynaptic cell down the postsynaptic cell. This is called an action potential, and there is a change in the electric charge of Miguel’s neurons.

B. For any movement in Miguel to occur, first a message or impulse is sent out of the axon terminal and into the synapse. This is called an action potential, and there is a change in the electric charge of Miguel’s neurons.

C. For any movement in Miguel to occur, first a message or impulse is sent out of the synapse and down the dendrite. This is called an action potential, and there is a change in the electric charge of Miguel’s neurons.

D. For any movement in Miguel to occur, first a message or impulse is sent out of the cell body and down the axon. This is called an action potential, and there is a change in the electric charge of Miguel’s neurons.

Would this be C?

Well, thanks for helping a little...

It is not C just to let you know I took the quiz. Sorry, I don't know the correct answer.

I found the answer: For any movement in Miguel to occur, first, a message or impulse is sent out of the cell body and down the axon. This is called an action potential, and there is a change in the electric charge of Miguel’s neurons. I took the checkpoint.

Your welcome

No, the correct answer is D. For any movement to occur, the nervous system sends a message or impulse called an action potential, which is generated in the cell body (also known as the soma). From there, the action potential travels down the axon, which is a long projection of the neuron, to the axon terminals. The axon terminals release neurotransmitters into the synapse, which is the small space between two neurons. The neurotransmitters then bind to receptors on the postsynaptic cell (in this case, Miguel's neurons), and the message is transmitted to the next cell. So in the scenario described, when Miguel needs to change direction while skating, the nervous system would respond by sending an action potential down his neurons to initiate the necessary movements.