Find the radius of a metal container that is 28 centimeters tall an a volume of 8,800 cubic centimeters use pie =3 1/7

Oh well, pi = 22/7

pi r^2 * h = 8800
(22/7) r^2 * 28 = 8800
4 r^2 = 400
r^2 = 100
so r = sqrt 100
what else ?

Lexi, it said use 3 1/7 which is 22/7

I know that pi is irrational.

Radius of metal container is 28 cm tall and has volume of 8,800

To find the radius of the metal container, we can use the formula for the volume of a cylinder: V = πr²h, where V is the volume, r is the radius, and h is the height.

Given that the volume (V) is 8,800 cubic centimeters, the height (h) is 28 centimeters, and π is approximately 3 1/7, we can plug in these values into the formula and solve for r.

Let's rearrange the formula to solve for r:
V = πr²h
Divide both sides by πh:
V / (πh) = r²
Take the square root of both sides:
√(V / (πh)) = r

Now, substitute the given values into the formula:
√(8800 / (3 1/7 * 28)) = r

First, simplify the denominator within the square root:
√(8800 / (3.1429 * 28))

Next, divide 8800 by (3.1429 * 28):
8800 / (3.1429 * 28) = 100

Now we have:
√100 = r

Taking the square root of 100 gives us:
r = 10

Therefore, the radius of the metal container is 10 centimeters.

pi doesnt equal 22/7. most people think it does but its actually the closest fraction to pi. Bc pi is an irrational number, it is impossible to put it in a fraciton other that pi/1.