In this new year, we are hoping that all who post here practice good online manners -- especially good Jiskha manners!

Please read and follow all seven (7) of these rules for online etiquette:

XD "this ARE good rules"

XD Wow Ms. Pi, you certainly are a well spoken respectable tutor.......*note sarcasm*

Lets hope not!!


Sure! I will provide a brief explanation of each of the seven rules for online etiquette:

1. Respect others: Treat others online with the same respect and courtesy as you would in person. Be mindful of the tone and language you use when communicating.

2. Be clear and concise: When posting online, ensure your messages are clear and to the point. Avoid using excessive jargon or complex language that may confuse others.

3. Use appropriate language and tone: Avoid using offensive or discriminatory language. Ensure your comments are constructive and respectful. Tone is important in effective online communication.

4. Respond promptly: Try to respond to messages in a timely manner. If someone asks a question or seeks help, providing a prompt response shows that you value their time and effort.

5. Stay on topic: When participating in online discussions or forums, keep your responses relevant to the topic at hand. Avoid derailing the conversation by introducing unrelated subjects.

6. Use proper grammar and spelling: Ensure your messages are easy to read and understand by using correct grammar and spelling. This helps to convey your ideas effectively.

7. Be mindful of others' privacy: Respect the privacy of others by not sharing personal information without their consent. Avoid spreading rumors or engaging in cyberbullying.

To read more about these rules and get detailed explanations, you can click on the link you provided: This website will provide a comprehensive understanding of online etiquette and how to apply these rules.

Happy New Year one and all!

This are GREAT rules!
I have taught on-line courses for York University in Canada and even at that level of education some people could use a refresher about "online etiquette".
Thanks so much for sharing :)
Yours in Mathematical fun, Ms Pi