From twitter to Facebook rapid advances in technology are providing humans with a variety of ways to communicate,keep in touch,and observe events in the lives of others.

Many believe that with these technological changes comes a loss of close human relationships ;that genuine relationships are being replaced with more artificial and superficial interactions.

WRITE AN ESSAY IN WHICH YOU TAKE A POSITION ON THIS SUBJECT YOUR VIEW WITH APPROPRIATE EVIDENCE.*dont need you to actually write the essay just need some help getting information etc*

Try going to and then and search for these phrases:

effects of social media on human relationships
social media hurts human relationships
social media expands human relationships

In doing so, other search terms may come to mind. Don't hesitate to search for them, too.

Here's a really good webpage (bookmark it!) from which you can learn to use Google really efficiently:
Scroll down to HOW TO GOOGLE and keep scrolling. You'll get lots of ideas for narrowing your searches, including what NOT to include in a search!

And here's a minority viewpoint. The internet provides human contact for those who are physically disabled and are housebound.

Title: The Impact of Technological Advancements on Human Relationships

In the age of rapid technological advancements, the emergence of platforms like Twitter and Facebook has revolutionized the way humans communicate, connect, and observe events in the lives of others. However, as these platforms become increasingly prevalent in our daily lives, concerns have arisen regarding the potential loss of close human relationships and the rise of artificial and superficial interactions. This essay will explore both sides of the argument and provide appropriate evidence to support my view.


1. Technological Advancements: Opening New Avenues of Communication
a. Explain how platforms like Twitter and Facebook have facilitated instant and widespread communication.
b. Describe how these platforms allow individuals to connect with people across different geographical boundaries.
c. Explore the positive impacts of such communication on maintaining relationships, such as keeping in touch with loved ones or reconnecting with old friends.

2. Intimacy and the Loss of Genuine Relationships
a. Discuss concerns that technological advancements are diminishing the depth and authenticity of relationships.
b. Explain how reliance on social media can lead to superficial interactions that lack emotional connection.
c. Provide anecdotal or research-based evidence that showcases instances of reduced interpersonal intimacy resulting from excessive use of technology.

3. Counterargument: Technology Enhancing Relationships
a. Present opposing viewpoints that argue technology enhances relationships.
b. Discuss how social media allows individuals with limited social interactions to connect with like-minded people and form supportive communities.
c. Explain how technology can aid in maintaining long-distance relationships through virtual communication and shared experiences.

4. Striking a Balance: Leveraging Technology for Authentic Connections
a. Suggest ways in which individuals can use technology to strengthen genuine relationships.
b. Encourage the use of social media as a tool to enhance face-to-face interactions rather than replace them.
c. Highlight the importance of setting boundaries and limiting screen time to ensure meaningful connections in real-life.

While technological advancements have undeniably introduced new ways for humans to communicate, connect, and observe events, the question of whether genuine relationships are being replaced by artificial and superficial interactions is complex. While there is a legitimate concern about losing the depth and authenticity of relationships, it is equally important to recognize the positive potential of technology to enhance connections. Striking a balance between virtual and face-to-face interactions will play a crucial role in preserving and nurturing close human relationships in an technologically advancing world.

Note: For the appropriate evidence and a more comprehensive understanding of the topic, it is recommended to conduct further research using scholarly articles, studies, and real-life examples. These sources will provide concrete evidence to support or refute the claims made in this essay.