Which type category is the easiest to read when printed at a type size smaller than 10 points?

B).sans serif
I do believe the answer is B) or C). But I think it is B). Is this correct?? PLEASE HELP


I agree.

thank you

Yes, you are correct. The easiest type category to read when printed at a type size smaller than 10 points is usually B) sans serif.

Sans serif fonts are often simpler and have fewer details compared to serif fonts, which makes them relatively easier to read in small print sizes or on low-resolution screens. The absence of the small projecting lines (serifs) at the ends of characters in sans serif fonts can help improve legibility at small sizes.

To determine which type category is the easiest to read when printed at a type size smaller than 10 points, it is important to consider the characteristics of the different type categories.

1. Display: Display fonts are intended for use in large sizes, typically for headlines or titles. They often have unique and decorative designs that make them less suitable for small sizes, resulting in reduced legibility. Therefore, option A is less likely to be the correct answer.

2. Sans Serif: Sans serif fonts have clean and simple designs without any decorative flourishes. They are generally considered to be more legible at small sizes and on digital screens due to their clean and straightforward look. This makes option B a good choice for easier readability.

3. Serif: Serif fonts have small decorative flourishes, known as serifs, at the ends of letters. While they are generally considered to be more legible in print at normal reading sizes, their tiny details might become less legible when printed in small sizes. Therefore, option C might not be the best choice for easy readability.

4. Script: Script fonts imitate handwriting and have a flowing, cursive quality. While they can be visually appealing, they are often less legible, especially at small sizes. Therefore, option D is unlikely to be the correct choice for easy readability.

Based on the characteristics described, it is reasonable to conclude that option B) sans serif is most likely the correct answer. Sans serif fonts are generally considered to be easier to read at smaller sizes compared to other font categories.