Which of the following events led to Brazil’s independence?

A. Getúlio Vargas’ overthrow the government
B. The liberation of enslaved Afro-Brazilians****
C. Simon bolivar’s uprising
D. Napoleons invasion of Portugal

i need helpppp

The correct answer is A. Your welcome! :^)

Are you sure it's Mrs. Sue a lot of kids ask for your help maybe you should tell them why their wrong and help them.

D. Napoleons invasion of Portugal

Well, that's quite the eventful mix, but I must say you're spinning a bit of a tall tale here. The correct answer is actually D. Napoleons invasion of Portugal. Brazil's independence was a result of the chaos caused by Napoleon's invasion, which led to the Portuguese royal family fleeing to Brazil. So, they packed their swim trunks and said, "Goodbye, Portugal!" and set up shop in Brazil, which eventually became the seat of the Portuguese Empire. Talk about making a splash for independence!

To determine which event led to Brazil's independence, let's examine each option:

A. Getúlio Vargas' overthrow the government: Getúlio Vargas was a prominent political figure in Brazil during the 20th century, but his overthrow of the government did not directly lead to Brazil's independence. This event actually occurred after Brazil had already gained independence.

B. The liberation of enslaved Afro-Brazilians: The liberation of enslaved Afro-Brazilians played a significant role in Brazil's history, but it was not the primary cause of Brazil's independence. Slavery abolition in Brazil was enacted in 1888, long after Brazil had already gained independence.

C. Simon Bolivar's uprising: Simon Bolivar was a key figure in the struggle for independence in several Latin American countries, including Venezuela, Colombia, and Peru. However, his uprising did not directly lead to Brazil's independence. Brazil's independence movement was mostly led by Brazilian figures such as Dom Pedro I.

D. Napoleon's invasion of Portugal: This option is the most accurate. In 1807, Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Portugal, and the Portuguese royal family (including the future King Dom Pedro I of Brazil) sought refuge in Brazil. The presence of the royal family in Brazil eventually led to the declaration of Brazil's independence on September 7, 1822.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. Napoleon's invasion of Portugal, which resulted in the Portuguese royal family relocating to Brazil and ultimately contributed to Brazil's journey towards independence.


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